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Author: Mr H Wickramasinghe

Date: 6/16/2003

4:12:41 AM

Subject: Teak Poles/Posts




Hi, I was wondering what kind of demand there is for teak poles and posts ? What products can be made from them? Usually a 3 to 5 year tree can be used, but they are not strong, is there a way to treat them to make them stronger and more resistant to wear ?



There are 5 messages on this subject

Teak Poles/Posts [Mr H Wickramasinghe]  [6/16/2003 4:12:41 AM]
     RE 4: Teak Poles/Posts [artis Legoh]  [5/18/2004 2:20:34 AM]
         RE 5: Teak Poles/Posts... [Mr Nana Nkansah ]  [9/9/2007 4:31:21 PM]
     RE 2: Teak Poles/Posts [mauro ]  [2/5/2004 6:09:05 AM]
         RE 3: Teak Poles/Posts... [RIJIMON]  [2/18/2004 11:01:27 PM]
     RE 1: Teak Poles/Posts [mark phome]  [8/4/2003 5:44:29 PM]
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