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Author: Mr. Samir Singh

Date: 12/20/2004

12:24:10 PM

Subject: Unisel Co. looks for partner for its new project




Project: Stock and sales of softwood sawn timber

Objective: To source raw sawn timber from Belarus and Russia for processing in Riga and sales from your fecility.

Project details:
Type of project: Joint venture between a timber trading company and ourselves.
Finance: to be worked out.
Profit sharing: to be worked out.
Product: construction timber (unseasoned, kiln dried, regularized, graded, treated), unsorted grade Pine for joinery
Species: Pine / Spruce
Sizes: As per requirement
Volume : Starting volume : 1000 m3 per month
Target at the end of the year: 3000 m3 per month

Our Strengths:

1. We are in timber business since 2000 and currently run a wood processing mill.Pls. visit our webpage at www.unisel.lv
2. We have been importing soft wood tomber from belarus far last 3 years and now importing from Russia as well.

If interested pls. contact the undersigned.

Samir Singh
00 371 9516075
00 371 7600656



There are 1 message on this subject

Unisel Co. looks for partner for its new project [Mr. Samir Singh]  [12/20/2004 12:24:10 PM]
     RE 1: Unisel Co. looks for partner for its new project... [Chaplain Eduardo Ampo]  [1/3/2005 1:16:59 PM]
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