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Author: Ms. Lo

Date: 4/11/2005

11:29:55 PM

Subject: About Burma Lumbers(Pls offer your advice)




In 1998-1999, one of my friends ever stayed for 2 two whole years in Yunan Province of China(Near Burma), buying logs from Burmese forests for a Chinese wood factory. He knew many foresters and suppliers, He himself went to deep forests, thus he could be able to buy Burmese logs at a very cheap price. These logs he bought included Burmese Teak, Maple, Pine, etc.

Nowadays, he would like to set up a company himself mainly export Burmese lumbers or copperate with some companies, but he's not much sure how big the market would be. Are there any companies would like to cooperate with him? He really need your advice.

Thank you!



There are 8 messages on this subject

About Burma Lumbers(Pls offer your advice) [Ms. Lo]  [4/11/2005 11:29:55 PM]
     RE 8: About Burma Lumbers(Pls offer your advice)... [Mr Huu Nghi]  [12/14/2005 10:46:31 PM]
     RE 6: About Burma Lumbers(Pls offer your advice)... [jagath piyasena ]  [6/18/2005 8:31:57 AM]
         RE 7: About Burma Lumbers(Pls offer your advice)... [Ms. Lo]  [6/23/2005 5:42:58 AM]
     RE 5: About Burma Lumbers(Pls offer your advice)... [Mr Jeffrey Hsiao]  [6/11/2005 2:07:12 AM]
     RE 4: About Burma Lumbers(Pls offer your advice)... [Ben MIles]  [5/14/2005 8:37:55 PM]
     RE 3: About Burma Lumbers(Pls offer your advice)... [Ms. Lo]  [5/6/2005 3:24:32 AM]
     RE 1: About Burma Lumbers(Pls offer your advice)... [Karl Lan]  [5/2/2005 10:39:27 AM]
         RE 2: About Burma Lumbers(Pls offer your advice)... [Ms. Lo]  [5/6/2005 3:03:08 AM]
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