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Author: Mr Roy

Date: 10/19/2002

5:12:01 AM

Subject: Albizzia




Can experts teach me something about the Albizzia speices of wood from Indonesia, is it suitable for making frames or furnitures? Thank you.



There are 5 messages on this subject

Albizzia [Mr Roy]  [10/19/2002 5:12:01 AM]
     RE 4: Albizzia [General Manager Shelman Siu]  [3/26/2004 6:57:12 AM]
     RE 3: Albizzia [Mr steven k]  [11/17/2003 6:44:38 AM]
     RE 2: Albizzia [Mr Markku Ranin]  [2/8/2003 11:11:36 AM]
         RE 5: Albizzia... [Shelman want buy Albizzia logs and sawn timber]  [3/26/2004 7:02:57 AM]
     RE 1: Albizzia [Mr Gugus]  [1/3/2003 9:58:05 AM]
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